Monas, no stranger to the ears and eyes of the people of Indonesia. Monument phenomenal not only as a symbol of community pride in Jakarta but also for the people of Indonesia who viewed National Monument as a symbol of heroic struggle against the colonial Dutch Indonesia.
Have you or have you ever visited the Monument to? These questions are posed to the public or visitors from outside the area and foreign tourists who come to Jakarta.Oke, say already, not even little moments captured in Monas visit. But no one put a little too proud to visit the monument with the largest yard in Indonesia. Why, if as a symbol of pride Indonesia why should pride, ya ya?
Did Monas history?
National Monument is located in Monument Square, Central Jakarta, was built in 1961an decade.
The National Memorial was built in the area of 80 hectares. This monument Soedarsono and diarsiteki by Frederich Silaban, with consultants Ir. Rooseno, began construction in August 1959, and August 17, 1961 was inaugurated by President Soekarno. Monument was officially opened to the public on July 12, 1975.
Monas monument, adding aims commemorate and preserve the Indonesian struggle for independence during the 1945 revolution, so terbangkitnya inspiration and patriotism of this generation and the next moment. The idea emerged early development Monument nine years after independence was proclaimed. A few days after peringatah the 9th anniversary RI.Pada president Soekarno was planning to berkobarnya spirit, strength, struggle and awakening of Indonesia in the eyes of the world would be great if, symbolized by a monumental object. Therefore, such a president Sukarno made his observations at each visit to foreign countries. In every country he visited, he always brings the Soedarsono architecture such as Indonesia, Frederich Silaban and Ir. Rooseno and watched every building is a landmark in the capitals of foreign countries which he visited. Call it the city of Washington DC with his trademark and monuments of Paris with the Eiffel Tower.
So Tugu ibentuk National Committee in charge of seeking the establishment of Monas. The committee is chaired Sarwoko Martokusumo, S Suhud as a writer, Sumali Prawirosudirdjo as treasurer and assisted by four members each Supeno, KK Wiloto, EF Wenas, and Sudiro.
The committee was formed to prepare charge of everything related to the development to be established National Monument in the middle of the field Medan Merdeka, Jakarta. Including construction costs of collecting should be collected from government organizations themselves.
After that, Monas building committee was formed called "Team Yuri" led directly Ir President Sukarno. Through this team, a contest held twice. The first contest was held on February 17, 1955, and the second competition was held May 10, 1960, hoping to produce works of high culture, high and represent and symbolize the nobility of heart of Indonesian culture.
With competition, it is expected that construction of the monument could really show the personality of the three dimensions of the Indonesian people, not flat, the towering monument to the sky, made of concrete and iron and marble earthquake-resistant, resistant criticism at least a thousand-year period and can produce cultural works that inspire heroism.
By Tim Yuri, a message of hope was used as assessment criteria are then broken down into five criteria must meet the conditions include the so-called National, describing the dynamics and personalities of Indonesia and reflects the ideals of the nation, represents and describes the "fire" in the chest Indonesian nation, describing the real thing though is composed of moving inanimate objects, and the monument to be built from objects that are not rapidly changing and stand for centuries.
However, two competitions were held, there is no design that meets all the criteria established committee. Finally, the chairman Yuri team pointed out some of the leading architects and Ir F Soedarsono Silaban to draw plans Monas monument. Both the architect agreed to make their own picture which then submitted to the chairman Yuri Team (President Sukarno), and chairman of choosing Soedarsono drawings.
In his design, Soedarsono argued that accommodate the basis of the committee desires. Basis of criteria that include the National. Soedarsono took some elements of the Proclamation of Independence which embodies the national revolution as much as possible to apply the architectural dimension of the numbers 17, 8, and 45 as a sacred number Proclamation Day.
Form towering monument containing the philosophy of "Linga and Yoni" which resembles "Alu" as "Linga" and form a container (cup-ed) form of the room resembles "Lumpang" as the "Yoni". Alu and Lumpang are two important tools that every family in Indonesia, particularly rural people. Linga and Yoni is the symbol of antiquity depicting the eternal life, is a positive element (phallus) and negative elements (yoni) as of the day and night, male and female, good and bad, is the eternity of the world.
Form all the lines of the architecture of this monument to realize that lines do not move uniformly monotone, rising curve, jump, more equitable, and high-rise tower, eventually form menggelombang above the burning flames. Body towering monument to the peak flame symbolizes and illustrates the spirit that burned and unflagging in his chest Indonesian nation.
Development Process
Monas monument development carried out through three stages of the first phase (1961-1965), second (1966-1968), and the third stage (1969-1976). In the first phase of implementation of the work under the supervision of the National Monuments Committee and the cost of used comes from public donations.
The second phase of work was done under the supervision of the committee Monas. Only construction costs derived from the Central Government Budget State Secretariat of RI cq. In this second phase, construction of experienced a decline, due to limited funds.
The third phase of implementation of the work under the supervision of the National Committee Tugu coach, and costs used comes from the Central Government cq Directorate General of Budget through Repelita using Form Project (DIP).
Space History Museum
Space history museum which is located three meters below the surface of the monument pages 80x80 meters in size. Walls and floors in the room were all covered with marble. Inside the room, visitors are presented with 51 windows display (diorama) which preserves the history since the days of the life of the ancestors of Indonesia, the struggle to maintain independence and sovereignty of Indonesia until the age of development in the new order. In this same room, visitors can also hear the recorded voice when reading the Bung Karno Proclamation.
Independence Room
While the independence of the amphitheater-shaped bowl is located at the monument, there are four attributes of independence include maps of RI State islands, the State Coat of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, and doors that contain text Gate Declaration of Independence.
At the top of the monument which the court is located at an altitude of 115 meters from the monument page size 11X11 feet, visitors can reach the court by using the elevator (lift-ed) a single-capacity around 11 people.
In the courtyard that can accommodate about 50 people were also provided with four glasses in every corner, where visitors can see the view from the height of the city of Jakarta 132 meters from the pages Monas monument.
Flames made of bronze weighing 14.5 tons with a height of 14 meters and 6 meters in diameter, consists of 77 sections joined together. The entire plate is coated flame of gold weighing 35 kilograms, and then on the 50th anniversary of Indonesia, the gold that coats the tongue of fire increased to 50 kilograms.
Monas towering and symbolizes the phallus (pestle or anatan) the full dimensions of typical Indonesian national culture. All parking cup symbolizes yoni (barn). Alu and barns are household appliances that are almost in every house the indigenous population of Indonesia.
Monument Square experiencing five times the renaming Gambier Field, Field Ikada, Merdeka Square, National Monument Square and Monument Park. Around the monument there are gardens, two ponds and some open field where the exercise. On holidays.
So, how did its design?
The memorial forms of this one is very unique. Obeliks stone marble yoni phallus-shaped symbol is the high fertility of 132 m.
National Monument at the top there is the cup-shaped supporting bronze torches weighing 14.5 tons and 35kg gold coated. Or torch flame is a symbol of struggle of the Indonesian people who want to achieve independence.
The parking area of the peak with the 11x11 can accommodate as many as 50 guests. At around the body of an elevator emergency staircase made of iron. From the top of the monument Monas courtyard, visitors can enjoy spectacular views across the city Jakarta. Southerly direction with a strong standing in the distance Mount Salak in Bogor regency, West Java, stretching north sea with small islands scattered. When turned to the West extends the Soekarno-Hatta International Airport is visible every time the plane took off.
From the top platform, 17 m back to the top, there were flames, made of bronze weighing 14.5 tons and a diameter of 6 m, consists of 77 sections joined together.
Top of the monument of the court "Fire Nan unflagging" which means that symbolizes the Nation in Indonesia to fight never subsided all time. High court of the cup from the bottom of the 17 m and 8 m. The historical museum Broad courtyard of a square, measuring 45x45 m, is the preservation of sacred figures Independence Proclamation (17-8-1945).
Monas area visitors, who will climb the peak parking Monas monument or museum, can be through the entrance to the park plaza around Merdeka Square, in the north of Monument Park. Nearby there is the fountain and statue of Prince Diponegoro, who was riding a horse, made of bronze weighing 8 tons.
The statue was created by Italian sculptor, Prof.. Coberlato as a contribution by the Consulate General Honores, Dr Mario in Indonesia. Through the tunnel that is 3 m below the park and cross the street this Monument, visitor entrance monument Monas gated peak "Yellow Bamboo".
Monument foundation height 3 m, there is space underneath the historical museum of national struggle with the size of 80x80 m wide, can accommodate about 500 people visitors.
On the fourth side of the room there are 12 dedicated window displays events from the time of the ancestral life of Indonesia. Entire walls, pillars and marble floors. In addition, the independence of the amphitheater-shaped, located in the cup Monas monument, depicting the islands maps attribute the Republic of Indonesia, Independence, red and white flag and symbol of state and the gate door that read the script of the Republic of Indonesia Independence.
At the National Monument building also contains a museum and a hall for meditation. The visitors could climb up to the top by using the elevator. Of or National Monument can be seen from the top of the Jakarta city monuments. Monuments and museums are open every day, starting at 09.00 - 16.00.
The memorial forms of this one is very unique. Obeliks stone marble yoni phallus-shaped symbol is the high fertility of 132 m.
National Monument at the top there is the cup-shaped supporting bronze torches weighing 14.5 tons and 35kg gold coated. Or torch flame is a symbol of struggle of the Indonesian people who want to achieve independence.
The parking area of the peak with the 11x11 can accommodate as many as 50 guests. At around the body of an elevator emergency staircase made of iron. From the top of the monument Monas courtyard, visitors can enjoy spectacular views across the city Jakarta. Southerly direction with a strong standing in the distance Mount Salak in Bogor regency, West Java, stretching north sea with small islands scattered. When turned to the West extends the Soekarno-Hatta International Airport is visible every time the plane took off.
From the top platform, 17 m back to the top, there were flames, made of bronze weighing 14.5 tons and a diameter of 6 m, consists of 77 sections joined together.
Top of the monument of the court "Fire Nan unflagging" which means that symbolizes the Nation in Indonesia to fight never subsided all time. High court of the cup from the bottom of the 17 m and 8 m. The historical museum Broad courtyard of a square, measuring 45x45 m, is the preservation of sacred figures Independence Proclamation (17-8-1945).
Monas area visitors, who will climb the peak parking Monas monument or museum, can be through the entrance to the park plaza around Merdeka Square, in the north of Monument Park. Nearby there is the fountain and statue of Prince Diponegoro, who was riding a horse, made of bronze weighing 8 tons.
The statue was created by Italian sculptor, Prof.. Coberlato as a contribution by the Consulate General Honores, Dr Mario in Indonesia. Through the tunnel that is 3 m below the park and cross the street this Monument, visitor entrance monument Monas gated peak "Yellow Bamboo".
Monument foundation height 3 m, there is space underneath the historical museum of national struggle with the size of 80x80 m wide, can accommodate about 500 people visitors.
On the fourth side of the room there are 12 dedicated window displays events from the time of the ancestral life of Indonesia. Entire walls, pillars and marble floors. In addition, the independence of the amphitheater-shaped, located in the cup Monas monument, depicting the islands maps attribute the Republic of Indonesia, Independence, red and white flag and symbol of state and the gate door that read the script of the Republic of Indonesia Independence.
At the National Monument building also contains a museum and a hall for meditation. The visitors could climb up to the top by using the elevator. Of or National Monument can be seen from the top of the Jakarta city monuments.
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