
Monday, March 15, 2010

Malacca (Malaysia) - Dumai,Riau (Indonesia) Bridge‎

A Bridge from Melaka to Dumai, Indonesia in the future?

It will be nice that we can drive across the Malacca Straits in our own car to Sumatra, Indonesia. We can have a relaxing weekend in Indonesia while Indonesians can travel over for their medical check-ups in Melaka.
From the engineering & civil construction of point of view, the bridge can be built as there are many high span bridges built around the world eg. in Japan, China and other countries. The only constraints will be the financial burden and political consideration between Malaysia and Indonesia. Being a mega project, a lot of details have to be worked out before construction can start. No point having an uncompleted bridge hanging over the Straits of Malacca if the works grind to a halt.
It is certainly an idea worth exploring for the future of Malaysia and Indonesia in fostering neighbourly ties and the coming together of the ASEAN countries into one trade grouping in the future.

Malacca - Dumai Bridge Project


As Southeast Asia embarks on a period of unprecedented economic growth, social progress and cultural development, key infrastructure projects will play an important role in the success of the region. From superhighways and bridges to express rail links and development regions the most dynamic projects will connect people, countries and regions.

Designed to be the world’s longest link at 127.93 km the privately funded Strait of Malacca Crossing (SOMX) will connect peninsular Malaysia and the Indonesian island of Sumatra across the world’s busiest strait. An ambitious project that will fuel the growth of Southeast Asia and have a lasting global impact, the crossing will provide increased political security and ignite social change across the region


As Malaysia steadily moves towards its goal of achieving developed nation status by the year 2020 it has already come a long way. Capitalising on the hopes and dreams of it’s population, Malaysia has been able to transform its economy from an agriculture and mining base to a competitive high-tech economy, where services and manufacturing now account for 80% of its GDP. Malaysia’s rich natural resources have made it a major exporter of oil, gas, rubber and palm oil; while its position as a leader in Islamic banking has allowed it to become an attractive destination for both trade and investment. Peace and stability are cornerstones of this diverse Southeast Asian nation that is quickly becoming a regional powerhouse.


With over 234 million consumers, Indonesia represents Southeast Asia’s largest potential market. Now fully recovered from the 1998 Asian Financial crisis, Indonesia’s GDP has surpassed $1.1 trillion US dollars with Foreign Direct Investment increasing at 17% in early 2007. Indonesia has recently embarked on a major infrastructure improvement program that will fuel social progress and allow it to capture its tremendous amount of natural resources. As Southeast Asia’s most populous country Indonesia is a rising industrial giant.

The Benefits


The creation of a crossing between the Malaysian peninsula and the Indonesian archipelago will dramatically change the political atmosphere between bordering nations, with Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore and Thailand undoubtedly seeing an increase in cooperation and civility in matters of governance and security. The cost of combating piracy and maintaining safety along the Strait of Malacca has always been taxing on bordering nations. The Strait of Malacca Crossing will encourage cooperation against piracy and will allow for better monitoring of traffic through the strait. Increased investment at crossing points and along the coastline will lead to greater domestic political stability for bordering nations. As a link between ASEAN nations, the Strait of Malacca Crossing will help kindle an ASEAN spirit that will further unify the region and gear it towards development and progress


In a region that is tied together by thousands of years of history the Strait of Malacca Crossing will bring about a fusion of cultures. Malaysians and Indonesians will come together to exchange information, technology, arts and culture, bringing social progress to both nations. The link between nations will result in a blossoming of industry across the strait where labour specialization will allow for growth on both sides, while reducing the strains of migration. New communities will flourish as workers flock to rapidly expanding neighboring cities that are experiencing an increase in commerce and industry. As the crossing is completed and greater responsibility is taken on by bordering nations, environmental issues surrounding the strait will be addressed. The Strait of Malacca Crossing will realise the dreams of generations and connect two of Southeast Asia’s most dynamic nations.


The economic importance of the Strait of Malacca as one of the world’s busiest shipping lanes has long been recognized. However, a link between Malaysia and Indonesia across the strait unlocks even greater potential. The Indonesian island of Sumatra rich in natural resources will be connected to the Asian continent; opening up to new markets and gaining direct access to the giant Chinese economy. Peninsular Malaysia with its increasingly service based industry will benefit from an increase in tourism, cross border trade, transport development, and educational investment. As development takes place on both sides of the crossing, dangerous migration across the straits will disappear and both sides will benefit. Singapore, Thailand, China and the region as a whole will benefit from an increase in trade and commerce as the fertile Indonesian archipelago is connected to the Asian continent.


The Strait of Malacca Crossing is a regional project with global impact. As a privately funded initiative (PFI) the project will fuel the growth of developing nations without placing an unnecessary burden on governments. The crossing will create an international hub of trade and commerce, connecting peoples and economies while accelerating growth throughout the region. Bridging one of the world’s busiest straits, the crossing will provide increased security and stability in an area critical to global commerce.

Geological Evaluation

The crossing will be located in the narrowest channel of the Strait of Malacca from the northeast coast adjacent to Malacca in Malaysia to the southwest coast of Pulau Rupat in Sumatra, Indonesia. The terrain near the coast of Malacca is mostly plain with flat topography, beaches and developed ground water systems. On the Indonesian side Barisan mountains lie in the west, while low terrains and wetlands are located to the north near Dumai.

The project site is located entirely on the Eurasian plate and there are no known faults nearby. The buried base of rocks underneath the proposed site lie deeply underground on the Sumatra side but have good physical and mechanical properties and will provide sufficient support for a structural foundation. Though there is an unfavorable seismic zone about 100 km away from the project site there has been no record of a strong earthquake, intense plate motion, or fracture in the last ten thousand years. With new technology and sufficient care an earthquake resistant structure will stand for generations.


Brigde Concept

The design objectives for the bridge include for the crossing to be perfectly functional, economical in construction and graceful in appearance. Since this is a sea bridge project over the strait, people will be able to enjoy both the magnificent bridge from different angles and the beautiful scenery of the sea, island and coastline. The deepwater navigable span of the all bridge concept is located 12 km off Pulau Rupat in Indonesia where the depth of the water is 50~60m, and giant oil tankers with a capacity of more than 300,000 tons can transit the channel. The downstream and upstream waterways are the busiest navigation areas in the Strait of Malacca, with a width of 4.3 km and a distance of about 1.6 km. To satisfy the requirements for navigation and landscape, a suspension bridge and cable-stayed bridge are the most appropriate candidates for the general navigation of the channel.

Tunnel Concept

Bridges crossing upstream and downstream waterways will be constructed off the coast of Malaysia, and an artificial island will be constructed between the deepwater navigation channel and general shipping lanes. From the artificial island an immersed tube will pass below the area of Pulau Rupat in Indonesia. The tunnel concept will allow for a deepwater channel depth of 55m with no height limitation on vessels passing through the deepwater channel.

Strait of Malacca Partners Sdn. Bhd.,
Plaza 138, Unit 16-06,
16th Floor,
No. 138, Jalan Ampang,
50450 Kuala Lumpur,

Phone: 603-21627270
Fax: 603-21627148


Feasibility study first for bridge to Sumatra

MALACCA: The government will conduct a feasibility study on the suggested 52km bridge linking Malacca to Dumai in Sumatra, Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak said.
He said the study would determine the viability of the bridge, taking into consideration the cost, expected revenue and present economic situation."It may become a reality in the near future. But for now, I think the ferry service is sufficient.

"The Malacca government had earlier suggested the construction of the bridge which was estimated to cost US$11 billion (RM38 billion).Chief Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Ali Rustam had said that the bridge would have great economic potential, considering the population in Sumatra had reached 70 million compared with Singapore with only four million.

He said the idea of the bridge had been raised in 1995, but was put on hold a few years later due to the financial crisis then affecting both countries."There are numerous factors to consider before we can embark on such a huge project. We will decide after a feasibility study is done." Najib was speaking at the opening of the Ninth Malay and Islamic World (DMDI) Convention here yesterday.

In his speech, he urged Malays in the region not to forget their roots and play their part in helping the community grow stronger and more united in facing challenges."Despite the changes around us, we must never forget our roots and should take all relevant steps to foster greater unity, understanding and cooperation among each other." In urging the community to master as many languages as possible, Najib reminded them not to neglect the use of their mother tongue, Bahasa Malaysia.

He also called on the Malays to reject all forms of extremism and the use of militant force to achieve political goals.Later, Najib launched the DMDI Finance House, which he said would begin with an initial investment of RM10 million and an authorised capital of RM1 billion.Ali, who is also DMDI president, said he hoped that if the bridge project was approved, it would be financed by the private sector."

I hope the idea will become a reality because the Malacca-Dumai bridge can not only boost economic development, but also strengthen ties between both countries."

He said the number of tourist arrivals from Indonesia had increased from 1.2 million in 2006 to 1.8 million last year.The number of Indonesian tourists who visited the Unesco World Heritage site here increased from 105,986 in 2006 to 128,057 last year, he added.

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