
Sunday, May 16, 2010

Sejarah Batik Riau ( History of Batik Riau )

Batik began there in the kingdom Daik Lingga and Siak, when it was known among the nobles of the court craft in the form of craft "Batik Cap". Where the material is made of bronze cap containing motifs. Each stamp has a different motive from each other. To get this printed batik print material first to dicecahkan dye and then stamped to the base cloth material so that the existing pattern dye will move to the fabric. Yellow dyes or silver, while the basic fabric material used is silk or other fine materials are usually black (dark). Motif in use are not much different motifs on embroidery craft.

To continue to preserve the spirit and revive batik shades, the Riau Province Government in 1985 took the initiative to cultivate this batik batik by providing training to the people of Riau. Yet not printed batik described above, but which is similar to batik batik Java using Canting, but the motive which in use is a pure motive of Riau Malays.
Time is running, in 2004 the Chairman Dekranasda Riau Province, Ms Dra. Hj. Septina Primawati Rusli, MM., Again raised this batik using a new pattern in the design. In this way, so look typical batik batik Riau compared with other regions through the skilled hands of an artist who is also administrator of the province of Riau Dekranasda H. Encik Amrun Salmon, then made an experiment by experiment that could eventually produce a new pattern by making handmade batik / dab patterned by taking inspiration from the cultural striped curtain striped Melayu Riau which extends from top to bottom with Malays motives are, are mainly found Riau Malays on wedding veils.
So from there motives are also developed into a new motif in the given name in the original. From the development of traditional motifs that have created new motifs that do not run away from its roots among other things: Bungo Kesumbo, Tanjung Bunga, Bunga Cempaka, Sunflowers Kaluk plated, etc.. Batik Riau grow and be named "Batik Veil."
Well that is where the birth of Riau Motif Batik Batik famous by the name at the current screens.

Batik Riau in recent years, been promoted properly. Even batik Riau had participated in a portion of the business world of batik in Indonesia. With the presence of Riau batik, of course we are no longer simply be known Javanese batik. Batik Riau and also the quality is not less good as the other batik-batik. And for this year, Riau batik promoted in several booths at the event Expo organized by the Government of Riau Province.

As shown in the picture, one of the women's batik or also called menyanting. On the sidelines of Riau Expo 2008 event, a woman named Ida is working, how the public or visitors Expo Riau Riau know with batik?? and also can see at once the process of making batik existing Riau in recent years.

if Riau has hundreds of batik batik motifs to the extent that he was not memorized his name one by one. Obviously it is a special batik Riau typical areas that are not owned any.

What we produce is a batik motif Riau with the combined, so that there are distinctive patterns symbolizing Riau. Batik Riau have started developing and shape are no longer monotonic when using screen motifs.Amin said, pointing to show the results of batik cantingan Riau.

Dara Riau wear Batik Riau Dresses

Batik Riau for man

Teuku Wisnu wears Batik Riau at Festival Film Indonesia 2007 Pekanbaru

Although their batik production Riau are printed, but the greater part of the manual is the result of making batik using canting and weaving. According to Amin, if a piece of batik cloth the size of 2 ½ feet, can solve the fastest batik for 20 days, and no later than 30 days. However, if the patterned batik Riau be meeting over 2 months.

What kind of motive?

We have a variety of motifs and Batik Riau already patented by government of Riau Province

So Beautiful and nice.....  Malay heritage

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