
Friday, March 12, 2010

(Mengenal Potensi Provinsi Riau) Riau Province - The Land of Indonesian Malay

I've introduced to my friend all about Indonesia as the country where I was born and raised in Riau Province. Brief of view, I was now going to explain it again.

Riau is a province of Indonesia, located in center of Sumatera island along the strait of Malacca. The provincial capital and largest city is Pekanbaru. Its 111.228,65 km square width, consist of islands and seas. Riau province's climate is wet tropical climate, which is affected by dry and rain season with average rainfall 2000 - 3000 milimeter per year, average rainy days is 160 days per year. Riau is one of the richest provinces in Indonesia. This province is rich with natural resources, particularly petroleum, and natural gas, gold, coal, rubber, and palm oil, not to mention sea resources

Etnhic groups : Riau Malay, Bugis, Banjar, Minangkabau, Javanese, Batak, Deli Malay, Sundanese, Chinese, Arab, India. Language : Malay (consist of several local dialects), Indonesian, hokkian (chinese) Generally, each etnhic groups communicate in their own language.
Religious : Islam, Protestant, Catholic, Hindu, Budha, Kong hu chu.

Riau Province comprises of 12 regences/ municipalities as follows :

1. Pekanbaru as The Capital of Riau Province

2. Dumai, The 2nd Largest City in Riau Province

3. Rokan Hilir regency, its capital city is Bagansiapi-api

4. Rokan Hulu regency , its capital city is Pasir Pengaraian

5. Indragiri Hulu regency, its capital city is Rengat

6. Indragiri Hilir regency, its capital city is Tembilahan

7. Pelalawan regency, its capital city is Pangkalan Kerinci

8. Kampar regency, its capital city is Bangkinang

9. Bengkalis regency, its capital city is Bengkalis

10. Siak regency, its capital city is Siak Sri Indrapura

11. Kuantan Singingi regency, its capital city is Taluk Kuantan

12. Meranti Archipelago regency, its capital city is Selat Panjang

Rubber and palm oil plantation are the flourishing in Riau, and are managed by either goverment of private companies. There are also lemon and coconut plantation. For palm oil alone, Riau has 1,34 million hectares width, plus 116 palm oil manufactures, which produce 3.386.800 tons of CPO per years.

Forestry empowerment basically covers oil of efforts in exploiting and upgrading forest resources and other biological resources plus the ecosystem, either as protection and life support for biodiversity or as development resources.

From RIAUSUMMIT website


Riau is one of the richest province in Indonesia with GDP growing at 8.53% in 2006. As a growing center with flourishing nature-based resources for industries, Riau is becoming a new economic hub in Sumatera. The annual report by the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) in 2006 shows that Domestic Investment (PMDN) in Riau is ranked 3rd in Indonesia with an investment value reaching approximately USD2,3 billion. Foreign investment is ranked 2nd amongst provinces in Indonesia with an investment value of USD 1.8 billion.

This strategic location has an abudant amount of investment opportunities in the sectors of infrastructure, natural resources, public utilities development, industrial estates development and agribusiness industries.

Riau province is strategically located in the Malaca stratit, where 40% of world’s cargo pass through everyday.

Riau province's Facts and Figures:

* The province is rich with oil, with current production contributed to approximately 60% of Indonesia’s national oil production.

* Riau produces 38% of Indonesia's CPO production (approx 40% of World Production) with an area of 37% of total CPO estates in Indonesia

* 3rd of the largest CPO producers in Indonesia/world

* Home of the 2 largest pulp paper producers in the world


=x= The land where Indonesian malay culture is preserved.
=0= Kawasan di mana, budaya melayu Indonesia menjadi ciri khas daerah yang dilestarikan

=X= The land with 87,844.23 sq km wide (according to DEPDAGRI data  )
=0= Sebuah provinsi seluas 87.844,23 km persegi (menurut data DEPDAGRI )

=x= The land with 4.58 millions inhabitants. (2005 data, according to
=0= Kawasan di mana ada 4.58 juta penduduk bertempat tinggal (data tahun 2005, menurut

=x= The land where u can find HIGH LEVEL OIL - EXPLORATION which is 60% of national production
Minas Oil field has achieved 4 billion barrel of oil, while Duri oil field has achieved 2 billion barrel of oil. Yet, there are more oil fields in Riau

=0= Kawasan di mana anda dapat menjumpai eksplorasi minyak gila-gilaan
Ladang minyak MINAS telah memproduksi Minyak sebanyak 4 Miliar Barrel, sementara ladang minyak Duri telah memproduksi minyak sebanyak 2 Miliar Barrel. Tidak sampai di situ, masih banyak lagi ladang minyak di Riau ini.

=X= The land where u can find PALM (CPO) OIL Plantation has undergone booming in recent years (and periodically caused HAZE due to forrest fire activity).
=0= Tanah di mana kawasan penanaman kelapa sawit telah mengalami booming in recent years (dan secara berkala juga menyebabkan kabut asap dikarenakan kegiatan pembakaran hutan)

=X= The land where 38% of Indonesia CPO is produced
=0= Kawasan yang memproduksi 38% kelapa sawit nasional

=X= The land of Sumatran Elephant and Sumatran Tiger do exist (some villages in Riau are often attacked by group of elephant, even until today :p
=0= Tanah di mana anda masih bisa menemukan Gajah dan Harimau Sumatra ( bahkan sampai hari ini, masih ada kawasan pedesaan yang masih diserang sekumpulan gajah mengamuk )

=X= Home of the 2 largest pulp paper producers in Asia Pacific (1. PT Indah Kiat <|||> 2. PT Riau Andalan Pulp & papers)
=0= Kawasan di mana terdapat industri pengolahan bubur kertas terbesar di Asia Pacific (1. PT Indah Kiat <|||> 2. PT Riau Andalan Pulp & papers)

=X= The land with some very wide and long rivers (Siak, Kampar, Indragiri, Rokan)
=0= Tanah di mana di dalam nya dilalui beberapa sungai yang lebar dan besar.

=X= The land which got the deepest river in Indonesia (Siak River)
=0= Tanah di mana di dalam nya terdapat sungai terdalam di Indonesia (Sungai Siak)

=X= THe land which is passed by four big rivers (Rokan, Kampar, Siak, &Indragiri)
=0= Tanah yang dilalui 4 sungai besar yang bermuara di Selat Malaka (Rokan, Kampar, Siak, Indragiri)

=X= The land with most promising investment level in Sumatra
=0= Kawasan investasi paling menjanjikan di Sumatra

Continue to part II

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