
Monday, November 30, 2009

Istiqlal Mosque, the form of gratitude for the gift of independence

Monas addition, there are again several projects built during the reign of President Sukarno in the first 50 years,. Beberpa project, among others, gresik cement factory, surge in senayan (geloran Bung Karno, clover flyover, and the mosque Istoqlal.

Here I will explain how the amazing history of the Istiqlal mosque is the pride of the Indonesian nation.


In 1953, several scholars sparked the idea to establish the grand mosque which will be the pride citizens of Jakarta as the capital and also the Indonesian people as a whole. They are KH. Wahid Hasyim, the first Minister of Religious Affairs, who gave the idea to build a mosque together with H. Agus Salim, Anwar Tjokroaminoto and Ir. Sofwan with about 200 leaders of the Muslim-led KH. Taufiqorrahman. The idea was later realized by Istiqlal Mosque Foundation.

On December 7th, 1954 established the foundation Istiqlal Mosque, chaired by H. Tjokroaminoto to realize the idea of building the national mosque. Deca Park Building at Merdeka Square (now Jalan Medan Merdeka Utara in the Park National Museum), a silent witness to the establishment of Istiqlal Mosque Foundation. Istiqlal's name is taken from Arabic which means Free as a symbol of national gratitude for Indonesia's independence given by Allah SAW. The first President Sukarno of Indonesia welcomes and supports the idea that the establishment of foundations Istiqlal mosque and then formed Istiqlal Mosque Development Committee (PPMI).

Determination of Istiqlal Mosque Location

Determining the location of the mosque had led to debate among Bung Karno and Bung Hatta, who was then serving as Vice President. Bung Karno Stadium in the proposed location of the former Dutch fort in Frederick Hendrik Wilhelmina Park, built by Governor General Van Den Bosch in 1834, located between Jalan officer, Jalan Lapangan Banteng, Cathedral Road and Veterans Road. While the proposed Hatta mosque building site located in the middle of his people is on Jalan Thamrin that then surrounded the village around a lot, but that he also thought the dismantling of the Dutch fort will take quite a bit of money. However, President Soekarno eventually decided to build on land the former Dutch fort, because the opposite has stood the church cathedrals in order to show the harmony and the harmony of religious life in Indonesia.

Istiqlal Mosque Design Contests

A year earlier, Ir. Sukarno agreed to help build a mosque, and even led his own design contest judging model mosque. After several trial, at the State Palace and the Palace of Bogor, the jury consisting of Prof.Ir. Rooseno, Ir.H. Djuanda, Prof.Ir. Suwardi, Hamka, H. Abubakar Aceh, and Oemar Hussein Amin.

In 1955 Istiqlal Mosque Development Committee held a design contest or architectural drawings Istiqlal mosque, the jury chaired by President Sukarno with a cash prize of Rp. 75,000; and pure gold weighing 75 grams. A total of 27 participants join the competition, but from all the participants only 5 participants who meet the following requirements:

1. F. Silaban by design "Belief"
2. R. Oetoyo by design "Istighfar"
3. Hans Groenewegen by design "Greetings"
4. ITB students (5 people) design "Ilham 5"
5. Students ITB (3 people) design "Chatulistiwa"

After a long judging process by studying architectural design and its meaning contained therein based on the ideas of the participants will end on July 5, 1955 by order of President Sukarno decided to design the draft with the title "Belief" by Frederich Silaban selected as the winner as a model of the Istiqlal Mosque.

The Christian Religious Interior Architect

Frederich Silaban is a Christian-born architect Bonandolok Sumatra, December 16, 1912, son of Jonas spouses Silaban Nariaboru. He is one of the best graduates from Bouwkunst Academie van Amsterdam in 1950. besides making design Istiqlal mosque, he also designed the Senayan Sports Complex Arena.

To improve the design Istiqlal mosque F. Silaban learn the rules of procedure and Muslim prayers and prayed for about 3 months and in addition he also learned a lot of literature about the mosques in the world.

Early development Istiqlal Mosque

At about 1950 until the end of the 1960s before the Wilhelmina Park Lapangan Banteng known quiet, dark, dirty and unkempt. The walls of the former fort Frederik Hendrik buildings in the park was filled with moss and grass weeds everywhere. Then in 1960, in the same place, thousands of people who come from all walks of ordinary people, civil servants, private sector, scholars and military service works to clean unkempt gardens in the former colonizer's castle.

A year later, on August 24, 1961, still in the same month celebration of the independence of Indonesia, became the most historic dates for the people, especially Muslims in Jakarta, and Indonesia generally. For the first time, in the former park, the city of Jakarta has a large mosque. A mosque is intended as a symbol of independence for the Indonesian nation. Equivalent he said in Arabic means independence and agreed to be named so be Istiqlal, Istiqlal Mosque its name.

The date coincides with the commemoration of Prophet Muhammad SAW Mawlood it, was chosen as the first pole erection moment by the first President of the Republic of Indonesia, Ir. Sukarno, who was then immediately act as Head of Engineering.

Long Process Istiqlal Mosque Development

Along with the domestic political climate heats up enough, the ambitious project halting its construction, because along with other monuments such as the development of Gelora Senayan, National Monument, and various other lighthouse projects. Until the mid-'60s project completion disrupted Istiqlal Mosque. Peak when the incident erupted M 30 S / PKI years '65-'66, Istiqlal Mosque development even at a standstill.

Only when the Islamic Cultural Association of Artists miladnya which commemorates the 20th, a number of leaders, scholars and inspired state officials to continue the development of Istiqlal Mosque. Spearheaded by the Minister of Religious KH. M. Dahlan fundraising efforts to realize the physical digencarkan mosque again. President Sukarno, who in the eyes of the public pamornya start fade, its position in the management replaced by KH. Chalied Idham who acted as coordinator of the national committee of the new Istiqlal Mosque. Through the new management, the mosque with modern-style architecture was finished construction.

Originally direncanakn mosque construction will take over 45 years but its implementation was much faster. The main building can be completed within 6 years, exactly on the date was August 31, 1967 can be characterized by berkumandangnya adzan first Maghrib.

Overall Istiqlal mosque construction completed within a period of 17 years. It was inaugurated by President Soeharto on February 22, 1978. Construction period has been through two periods during which the leadership of the Old Order and New Order. Funding the construction of this mosque in the Old Order Mandatory realized through the project while in the New Order became part of the Project FYP (Five Year Plan, adding). Istiqlal mosque now stands grandly in the capital Jakarta and the pride of all Indonesian people.

BUILDING Istiqlal Mosque and specifications

Istiqlal mosque of kjauhan

Istiqlal Mosque from a distance (arie SAKSONO)

Istiqlal Mosque applying minimalist principles. Generally Istiqlal mosque consists of the main building, the building next to the predecessor and patio, huge deck, and patio and around the tower. Open spaces or plazas on either side of the main building with wide beams of which, intended by the designer to facilitate air circulation and natural lighting and cool the heart to bring pilgrims to worship.

Specifications Mosque Istiqal:

12 ha of land

Area of 7 ha

72,000 m2 floor area

Size 21,000 m2 roof

In the construction of this mosque is required:

78,000 Semen Gresik zak from

337 tons of steel

93,000 m2 of marble

11,400 m2 of ceramic

21,500 m2 Asphalt

BUILDING PARTS Istiqlal Mosque

A. Building Up

HEIGHT: 60 feet, 5-level symbol prayer 5 times

LENGTH: 100 meters

WIDTH: 100 meters

Piling: 2361 pieces

The main building is the main building where the place can accommodate 100,000. congregation at the time of Eid prayer and Eid al-Adha.

Istiqlal Mosque specs

Dome 45 meters in diameter and made of stainless steel framework of West Germany with 86 tons of weight while the exterior is coated with ceramic. Diameter of 45 meters is a symbol of respect and gratitude for independence in accordance with the Istiqlal name itself.

The lower part is calligrapher around the dome of Yassin made by KH Fa'iz. > Updated information: The inside of the dome around there Alfateha calligraphy letter, Certificate Taha verse 14, Section Chairs, and Surat Al-Ikhlas.

From the outside the roof top of the dome-shaped lightning rods installed Moon and Star symbol is made of stainless steel with a diameter of 3 meters and weighing 2.5 tons

From the dome strut by 12 pillars with a diameter of 2.6 meters 12 meters high, this figure is a symbol of the birth rate of the prophet Muhammad 12 Rabi 'al-Awal.

All parts in the main building is covered with marble imported directly from Tulungagung area 36,980 m2.

The floor is covered with red carpet donated by the Arab kingdom of the government.

B. Building predecessor and patio Side

Height: 52 meters

Length: 33 meterLebar: 27 meters

Section has five floors located behind the main building is flanked by 2 wings of the terrace. Size floors with 36,980 m2 covered 17,300 m2. number of pole pieces pancangnya of 1800. On top of this building there is a small dome. The main function of this building every congregation can go to the main building directly. It also can be used as a place to pray when the expansion of the main building management.

C. Big terrace

Huge open terrace area of 29,800 m2 located on the left rear of the main building. This terrace is made to accommodate the pilgrims at the time of Eid prayer and Eid al-Adha. The direction of this axis leads to the terrace National Monument marks this mosque is the national mosque. Besides this terrace also serves as a place of religious events such as the MTQ and the patio was first used to Manasik (exercise) pilgrimage.

D. Round patio

This patio terrace surrounding the giants and the patio was a 1800 column sekelilingya there to sustain the building overhang.

Length: 165 meters

Width: 125 meters

> Bedug GIANT

In the southeast corner there is a giant drum that serves as a sign of prayer time. Drum is one feature of the Islamic Indonesia, where there is only in the mosques of Indonesia.

Bedug Istiqlal Mosque

The giant drum Istiqlal Mosque (photo: arie SAKSONO)

This drum is made of meranti wood from East Kalimantan to 300-year-old said. Diameter / diameter of the front is 2 meters in diameter while the rear is 1.71 meters. While the overall length is 3 meters with a total weight of 2.3 tons.

The skin on the drum cow leather. It takes 2 pieces of cowhide 2 adult cows. The front is leather bull while the back is the skin of cows. To put this skin needs 90 nails made of wood, whose creation Sonokeling takes 60 days in Jepara, Central Java.

Drum-support legs is 3.8 meters tall Jagrag the legs are made of God in pentagons pillars symbolizing and prayer time. On the other hand there are the words "Bismillahirrahmanirrahim". On the fourth side of the legs two sentences are written creed. On the whole there Jagrag part 27 pieces of calligraphy carvings SuryaSangkala (solar year) which is the influence of Hindu culture while at the top is carved to resemble a dragon ornament that is the influence of Buddhism. Drum so that overall this is a form of Islamic acculturation with other cultures in Indonesia.

E. Tower / Minaret

HIGH: 6666 centimeters = 66.66 meters

Diameter: 5 meters

Building towers above pointed to this function as a peal Muadzin Azan. On it there are many speakers who can articulate the call to the area around the mosque.

Pointed spire designed with holes made of thin steel frame. 6666 figures is the symbol of the number of verses contained in the Al Quran.

F. Page and the Istiqlal Mosque Fountain

Istiqlal mosque pages covering 9.5 hectares. This page can accommodate approximately 800 vehicles at once through the gate 7 into the fruit available. In the courtyard there are three bridges whose length is about 21 to 25 meters.

Inside the mosque complex on the south side there is a fountain in the middle of ¾ acre pool area. This fountain can emit high as 45 feet of water.

Istiqlal mosque courtyards surrounded by shade trees to cool the atmosphere so that the mosque will add kekhusukan pilgrims worship in this mosque.

G. Place of Ablution, Water, and Lighting

There ablution place in several locations on the ground floor of the north, east and south of the main building. This place is equipped with a special tap that as many as 660 pieces at the same time 660 people can perform ablutions at once.

Meanwhile, there are also toilets on the ground floor east of the terrace under a giant. Toilets are available for 80 people who split the two complexes, for men and women. In addition there are also 52 bathrooms that can be locked and some toilets on the floor of the south of 12 fruits, west and east of 12 fruit 28 fruit. Purposes of ablution, bathrooms and toilets are supplied as much as 600 liters per day per minute from PAM.

Istiqlal mosque lighting electricity use, while also using a generator-powered 3 respectively and a 110 kva 500 kva generator large. Air conditioning is only used for office rooms in the basement by using a centralized control system.

H. Basement.

The ground floor of the mosque was the extent of 2.5 ha of formerly left empty and only used in emergencies to accommodate the community DKI Jakarta when in danger. But since 1978 on the orders of President Suharto of this floor is used for offices of religious organizations. Now, the mosque was lively with various activities among Muslims and Islamic organizations in it. There MUI, Masjid Council of Asia and the Pacific Ocean, Indonesian Mosque Council, Center for Indonesian Islamic Library, and BP LPTQ Center 4. Even in the land around the Istiqlal mosque, partly used for economic activities, food stalls, souvenirs, and especially every Friday and traders crowded the buyer after the Friday prayer, known as Jum'atan market.

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