
Friday, January 9, 2009

Amerika Memang Membela Israel...!!

Amerika telah jelas-jelas membela Israel.
beberapa kali PBB telah mengeluarkan kebijakkan resolusinya,
dan sebanyak itulah Amerika mengeluarkan hak vetonya.

Israel itu tak ada apa-apanya tanpa Amerika! Karena Israel adalah tangan kanan Amerika di Timur Tengah.

Inilah bukti-buktinya!




1 28 Desember 2008 resolution calling for an end to the massive ongoing Israeli attacks against the Gaza Strip.
2 11 November 2006 on the Israeli military operations in Gaza, the Palestinian rocket fire into Israel, the call for immediate withdrawal of Israeli forces from the Gaza Strip and a cessation of violence from both parties in the conflict.
3 13 Juli 2006 on the demand for the unconditional release of an Israeli soldier captured earlier as well as Israel's immediate withdrawal from Gaza and the release of dozens of Palestinian officials detained by Israel.
4 5 Oktober 2004 on the demand to Israel to halt all military operations in northern Gaza and withdraw from the area.
5 25 Maret 2004 on the condemnation of the killing of Ahmed Yassin, the leader of the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas
6 14 Oktober 2003 on the security wall built by Israel in the West Bank.
7 16 September 2003 on the Israeli decision to "remove" Palestinian Authority leader Yasser Arafat.
8 20 Desember 2002 on the killing by Israeli forces of several United Nations employees and the destruction of the World Food Programme (WFP) warehouse
9 14 Desember 2001 on the withdrawal of Israeli forces from Palestinian-controlled territory and condemning acts of terror against civilians
10 27 Maret 2001

on establishing a UN observer force to protect Palestinian civilians
(report of Council meeting SC/7040)

11 21 Maret 1997 Demanding Israel's immediate cessation of construction at Jabal Abu Ghneim in East Jerusalem
12 7 Maret 1997 Calling upon Israel to refrain from East Jerusalem settlement activites
13 17 Mei 1995 on the Occupied Arab Territories (East Jerusalem)
14 31 Mei 1990 on the Occupied Arab Territories
15 7 November 1989 Situation in the Occupied Arab Territories
16 9 Juni Situation in the Occupied Arab Territories
17 17 Februari Situation in the Occupied Arab Territories
18 14 Desember 1988 Complaint of Lebanon against Israel
19 10 Mei 1988 Complaint of Lebanon against Israel
20 15 April 1988 Situation in the Occupied Arab Territories
21 1 Februari 1988 Situation in the Occupied Arab Territories
22 18 Januari 1988 Complaint of Lebanon against Israel
23 6 Februari 1986 Syrian Complaint against Israeli Interception of Libyan Civilian Aircraft
24 30 Januari 1986 Violation of Haram Al-Sharif (Jerusalem)
25 17 Januatri 1986 Complaint by Lebanon against Israeli Agression
26 13 September 1985 Situation in the Middle East (Occupied Territories)
27 12 Maret 1985 Situation in the Middle East (Lebanon)
28 6 September 1984 Situation in the Middle East (Lebanon)
29 29 Februari 1984 Situation in the Middle East (Lebanon)
30 2 Agustus 1983 Situation in the Middle East (Occupied Arab Territories)
31 6 Agustus 1982 Situation in the Middle East (Lebanon)
32 26 Juni 1982 Situation in the Middle East (Lebanon)
33 8 Juni 1982 Situation in the Middle East (Lebanon)
34 20 April 1982 Situation in the Middle East (Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem Attack)
35 2 April 1982 Situation in the Middle East (Mayors of Nablus and Ramallah Dismissal)
36 20 Januari 1982 Situation in the Middle East (Golan Heights)
37 30 April 1980 Situation in the Middle East (Palestinian Rights)
38 29 Juni 1976 Question of the Exercise by the Palestinian People of their Inaleniable Rights
39 25 Maret 1976 Jerusalem Status
40 25 Januari 1976 Middle East Question including the Palestinian Question
41 8 Desember 1975 Situation in the Middle East (Israel/Lebanon)
42 26 Juli 1973 Situation in the Middle East (Palestinian Question)
43 10 September 1972 Situation in the Middle East (Ceasefire 1967 Violation)
SC Official Record : S/PV. 1662 para 74
Draft Text No. : S/10784
44 10 September 1972 Situation in the Middle East (Ceasefire 1967 Violation)
SC Official Record : S/PV. 1662 para 72
Draft Text No. : S/10786 para 2

Hak Veto oleh negara lain terhadap permasalahan Palestina dan Israel :

1 10 September 1972 oleh USSR Situation in the Middle East (Ceasefire 1967 Violation)
SC Official Record : S/PV. 1662 para 72
Draft Text No. : S/10786 para 2
2 30 Oktober 1956 oleh UK & France Palestinian Question: Steps for the Immediate Cessation of the Military Action of Israel in Egypt
SC Official Record : S/PV. 750/Rev.1 para 23
Draft Text No. : S/3713/Rev.1
3 30 Oktober 1956 oleh UK & France Palestinian Question: Steps for the Immediate Cessation of the Military Action of Israel in Egypt
SC Official Record : S/PV. 749 para 186
Draft Text No. : S/3710 + Coor.1 S/PV. 749 and footnote 2
4 29 Maret 1954 oleh USSR The Arab-Israeli Dispute (Suez Canal)
5 22 Januari 1954 oleh USSR Palestinian Question (Jordan River)
6 16 Februari 1946 oleh USSR Syrian-Lebanese Question

(Sumber : Attayaya)

1 comment:

  1. amerika itu membela israel, karena 6 juta yahudi ada di amerika. sedangkan di israel sendiri hanya 5 juta yahudi.

    amerika mendukung gerakan pengembalian yahudi ke tanah israel, tetapi dengan cara yg biadab


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